
Back to life.. back to reality.

So my last spring break has come and gone. (scary thought) While it was nothing spectacular (meaning, I didn't go anywhere crazy or do anything super exciting), I really enjoyed it. I worked on my portfolio the whole time and I now have a finished book to take with me to interviews. Yay! I will throw up a picture as soon as I take one :)

Working on my portfolio this break has completely sucked all interest in school out of me. I am feeling uninspired by projects, simply because I'm looking ahead to what awaits two months from now. To me, that is the most important thing right now. As long as I pass my classes and graduate, I'm happy. My priorities right now are aiming at getting the rest of my interview paraphernalia together and sending out emails and finding a job! It's pretty daunting, but I'm ready to find out what I'm going to be doing, and where. :) Me being me, I like knowing these things in advance so that I can start planning things out. (or worrying, as it usually is with me)


On a completely unrelated note, (this one's for you, Nat) I recently was given a lovely birthday gift of some sample sized lip glosses from Boots and I fell in love. One shade in particular was the object of my complete affection and I ended up running to Target over the break to pick up a full size tube of it. Even my mom, who never wears lip gloss because most of them are so sticky, liked it. Score!

1 comment:

Natalie Marie said...

Yeah! I'm glad you guys like it so much.